How to Disable Pinning on Windows 11 Taskbar

This content educates users on how to pin or unpin applications on the Taskbar in Windows 11 and how to manage Taskbar policy settings. It provides step by step instructions on how to disable and enable pinning through the Local Group Policy Editor. This functionality helps maintain consistent icon layouts across users and devices.

This post shows students and new users steps to turn Pin on or off to the Taskbar or unpin from the Taskbar in Windows 11.

The Taskbar in Windows 11 is centered on the screen and shows the Start menu, Search, Task View, WidgetsTeams ChatFile ExplorerMicrosoft Edge, and Microsoft Store buttons by default.

When you install Windows, default application icons are pinned to the Taskbar. Users can also add app icons to the Taskbar by pinning them there. If you have app icons that you don’t want on the Taskbar, right-click the icon and select unpin from the Taskbar.

Sometimes, you may want to lock the Taskbar so that users can not pin or unpin items to or from the Taskbar. Doing this will ensure that the taskbar icons are consistent for all users.

You can edit and change the Do not allow pinning programs to the taskbar policy to disable Pin to Taskbar and Unpin from Taskbar from context menus in Windows 11.

How to disable Pin to Taskbar in Windows 11

As mentioned, Windows allows users to disable pinning or unpinning apps from the Taskbar with a few clicks using policy settings. When you change this policy, Windows will not allow users to pin or unpin items to or from the Taskbar.

Below is how to do that:

First, open the Local Group Policy Editor (gpedit. msc) by going to the Start menu and searching for and selecting Edit group policy, as shown in the image below.

Once the group policy editor opens, navigate to the policy location below in the left pane:

User Configuration/Administrative Templates/Start Menu and Taskbar

On the policy window in the right pane, select and open (double-click) the policy called “Do not allow pinning programs to the Taskbar.

Once the window opens, select Enabled to turn off pinning or unpinning items to or from the Taskbar. Finally, click OK and save and exit.

Pinning or unpinning items to or from the Taskbar will be disabled on all devices you configure this way.

How to allow the Pin to the Taskbar in Windows 11

By default, anyone can pin or unpin items to the Taskbar on Windows devices. However, if this was previously disabled and the Taskbar is locked, you can use the steps below to unlock it and begin pinning or unpinning items to and from it.

To do that, reverse the steps above by going to the path below in the Local Group Policy editor.

User Configuration/Administrative Templates/Start Menu and Taskbar

Then double-click. Do not allow pinning programs to open in the Taskbar.

On the window that opens, select the Not Configured option to allow users to use a pin to the Taskbar again.

That should do it!


  • Disabling pinning to the Taskbar enhances control over the user interface in Windows 11.
  • The Local Group Policy Editor is an effective tool for managing settings related to Taskbar pinning.
  • By following the outlined steps, administrators can ensure a consistent user experience.
  • Enable or disable pinning allows for flexibility based on organizational needs.
  • Remember to revisit these settings to adapt to changing user requirements or preferences.


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