Enable Enhanced Security in Microsoft Edge

The article provides a guide on enabling or disabling the enhanced security mode in Microsoft Edge, the default browser in Windows 11. The enhanced security mode offers additional protection while browsing, with three levels of security: Basic, Balanced, and Strict. Users can manually add site exceptions. The article also explains how to manipulate the enhanced…

This post explains enabling or disabling enhanced security mode in the Microsoft Edge web browser.

The Microsoft Edge browser is the default browser in Windows 11. However, users can switch to their preferred or favorite browser anytime. Edge is based on Chromium, similar to Google Chrome and other Chromium-based browsers today.

Microsoft Edge offers an enhanced security mode that helps reduce the risk of an attack and provides an extra layer of protection when browsing the web and unfamiliar sites.

When enhanced Security is turned on, you can select from three levels of browsing security: Basic, Balanced, and Strict.

Users can manually add site exceptions, automatically turning off the enhanced security mode.

As described above, enabling the enhanced security mode in the Microsoft Edge browser will help safeguard against memory-related vulnerabilities by disabling just-in-time (JIT) JavaScript compilation and enabling additional operating system protections for the browser.

Enhanced security mode table:

Off (Default)Feature is turned off.
Basic (Recommended)Microsoft Edge applies added security protections to less visited sites. Websites will work as expected.
Balanced Microsoft Edge applies added security protections to sites you don’t engage with often or are unknown to you. Websites you browse frequently will be left out. Most sites will work as expected.
Strict Microsoft Edge applies added security protections to all sites visited by default. Strict mode may impact your ability to complete normal tasks on the web because some parts of websites might not work as expected.

Here’s how to turn it on or off.

First, open the Microsoft Edge browser.

Then click on Setting and more (Alt+F) 3 horizontal dots button on the top right corner and select Settings.

Next, click on Privacy, search, and services on the left panel.

On the Privacy, search, and Services page, under Security, toggle the button for Enhance your Security on the web to the On position to enable.

To disable it, simply toggle the button back to the Off position.

Once enabled, you can choose the level of Security you need.

Exit and restart the Microsoft Edge browser.

Turn on or off Microsoft Edge enhanced security mode via the Windows Registry Editor

Alternatively, users can use the Windows registry editor to turn enhanced security mode in Edge on or off.

To do that, open the Windows Registry and navigate to the folder key path below.


If you don’t see the Edge folder key, right-click on the Microsoft parent key, then create the subkey (Edge) folder.

Right-click on the Edge folder key’s right pane and select New -> DWORD (32-bit) Value. Type a new key named EnhanceSecurityMode.

Double-click the new value name (EnhanceSecurityMode) and enter the Value data of 1 to enable the enhanced security mode in Edge.

Value data of 0 will disable the enhanced security mode in Edge.

That should do it. Restart your computer for the changes to apply.

That should do it!




  • Enabling the enhanced security mode in the Microsoft Edge browser protects against memory-related vulnerabilities.
  • By following the simple steps outlined in this post, users can easily turn on or off the enhanced security mode in Microsoft Edge, and also adjust the security level according to their needs.
  • Users can also use the Windows Registry Editor to toggle the enhanced security mode on or off, providing greater flexibility in managing browser security settings.
  • Feel free to utilize the comment section to report any inaccuracies in the post or contribute additional insights.


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