How to Turn On or Off Text Suggestions in Windows 11



This post provides a guide for students and new users on how to activate or deactivate text suggestions and autocorrection of misspelled words in Windows 11. It details the text suggestion feature which predicts words, sentences, or even names based on the user’s spelling, sentence structure, and typing history. The procedure for enabling or disabling…

This article explains turning on or off “Text suggestions” in Windows 11.

Text suggestions in Windows is a feature that provides immediate feedback as you type. It predicts words and sentences as you type based on your spelling and sentence structure and suggests them above your cursor. This feature is designed to help you type faster and more accurately, mainly if you are a fast typist.

Text suggestions can also predict text names based on your previous typing history. However, it should be noted that this feature may not be helpful for everyone, and it can be turned on or off depending on your preference.

This feature is designed to help you type faster and more accurately, mainly if you are a fast typist. However, it should be noted that this feature may not be helpful for everyone, and it can be turned on or off depending on your preference. So, if you don’t find the feature helpful or prefer to type without suggestions, you can disable it.

On the other hand, if you find it helpful, you can enable it to improve your typing speed and accuracy.

How to enable or disable text suggestions in Windows 11

As mentioned above, users can enable or disable “Text suggestions” in Windows.

Here’s how to do it.

Windows 11 has a centralized location for the majority of its settings. From system configurations to creating new users and updating Windows, all can be done from the System Settings pane.

To get to System Settings, you can use the Windows key + I shortcut or click on Start ==> Settings, as shown in the image below:

Alternatively, you can use the Search box on the taskbar and search for Settings. Then select to open it.

On the Windows Settings app, click the Typing on the left, then select the Date & time tile on the right pane to expand it.

On the System > Time & language > Typing settings pane, select the two tiles below:

  • Show text suggestions when typing on the physical keyboard
  • Multilingual text suggestions

Then, toggle the switch button to the On position to turn on Text suggestions for both.

To turn it off, toggle the switch button to the Off position.

That should do it! You can now close the Windows settings app.

Turn on or off Text suggestions using the Windows Registry

Another way to turn “Text suggestions” on or off is to use the Windows Registry editor.

First, open the Windows Registry and navigate to the folder key path below.


Next, double-click these two (REG_DWORD) names on the Settings key’s right pane to open it.


Then, enter a value 1 for both to enable “Text suggestions” for both features.

To disable “Text suggestions,” type 0 for both registry items.

If you do not see the two items, right-click a blank area and create a new DWORD (32-bit) registry item for both.

Then, enter a value 0 or 1 to enable or disable “Text suggestions” for both features.

Save your changes and restart your computer.

You may have to restart your computer for the new changes to apply fully.


This post showed you how to turn text suggestions and other autocorrection settings on or off when using Windows 11. If you find any error above, please use the comment form below to report.

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