The cd command in Ubuntu Linux with examples



This piece explains how to use the “cd” command in Ubuntu Linux to navigate the file system. It demonstrates the basic syntax, various applications, like moving between directories, and advanced tips such as combining “cd” with other commands. The “cd” command is vital for anyone working with the command line interface on a Linux system.

This article explains using the cd command in Ubuntu Linux. It also provides examples that you can use in your environment.

The cd command, short for “change directory,” is a command-line tool in Ubuntu Linux that allows you to navigate the file system. You can move between directories, explore different folder structures, and effectively access files and directories in your Ubuntu system.

Learning how to use the cd command in Linux is essential for anyone who wants to work with the command line interface. By mastering the cd command, you can move between directories, explore different locations, and effectively access files and directories in your Linux system.

This can help you perform various tasks, such as installing software, configuring system settings, managing files, etc.

1. Basic syntax

The basic syntax for the cd command is as follows:

cd [directory]

Providing the name or path of a directory cd will take you to that directory. You can use both absolute and relative paths with cd. Absolute paths start from the root directory (/), while relative paths are relative to your current working directory.

2. Navigation examples

Let’s explore some common uses of the cd command:

  • To go to a directory within the current path: cd directory_name

    For example, to move into a directory named “Documents,” you can type:

    cd Documents
  • To navigate to a directory using an absolute path: cd /path/to/directory

    Replace “/path/to/directory” with the actual absolute path of the desired directory.

  • To move up one directory level: cd ..

    This will take you to the parent directory.

  • To return to your home directory: cd

    Simply typing cd without any argument will take you back to your home directory.

3. Special directories

The cd command supports some special directories that can save you time when navigating:

  • To go directly to the previous directory: cd -

    This command will take you to the last directory you were in.

  • To change to the root directory: cd /

    Typing cd / will directly take you to the root of your file system.

  • To switch to your home directory: cd ~

    This command is equivalent to cd without any argument. It takes you to your home directory.

  • To move to the current user’s temporary directory: cd /tmp

4. Advanced tips and tricks

Here are a few additional tips and tricks to enhance your cd command usage:

  • Use tab completion:
    When typing a directory name, you can press the Tab key to auto-complete it. This feature saves you from manually typing the full directory name, especially for long or complex ones.
  • Use double dot (..) to move up multiple levels:
    You can chain double dots to move up multiple directory levels at once. For example: cd ../../

    This command moves you two levels up in the directory structure.

  • Combine cd with other commands:
    You can use cd together with other commands to perform actions in specific directories. For example, to list the contents of a directory after changing it, you can use the following: cd directory_name && ls

That should do it!


This post showed you how to use the cd command in Ubuntu Linux. Please use the comments form below if you find errors or have something to add.

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