Remove Home Folder from Windows 11 File Explorer

The article provides a guide on how to hide or restore the Home folder in Windows 11’s File Explorer. It includes detailed steps for modifying the Windows Registry to achieve this modification. Users can customize their navigation pane but should exercise caution when editing the Registry. A reboot may be necessary for changes to take…

This article explains how to remove or hide the Home folder on the navigation pane in File Explorer on Windows 11.

Windows File Explorer is a file manager application included in the Microsoft Windows operating system. A graphical user interface lets you view, copymovedelete, and rename files and folders and organize them hierarchically.

The latest File Explorer has a Home, Gallery, and your OneDrive folders on the navigation pane.

We showed you how to remove the Gallery and OneDrive folders from the navigation pane in File Explorer. You can also remove the Home folder from the navigation pane.

The steps below show you how to do that.

Hide the Home folder in the File Explorer navigation pane

As mentioned, users can hide or remove the Home folder from the navigation pane in File Explorer.

Here’s how to do it.

First, open the Windows Registry and navigate to the folder key path below.


Right-click Explorer > New > DWORD (32-bit) Value and name the new DWORD HubMode.

Double-click HubMode and change the value 1 , and click OK.

Next, navigate to the folder key path below.


Right-click the {f874310e-b6b7-47dc-bc84-b9e6b38f5903} key and select the Delete to delete it.

You may have to reboot your computer to apply the changes.

After completing the steps above, the “Home” folder in the navigation pane will default to the “This PC” folder or any folder you select as default.

Restore the Home folder in File Explorer

If you want to undo the changes and continue with the default behavior by showing the “Home” folder in File Explorer, reverse the above steps.

Right-click the “HubMode” name created above and choose the “Delete” it.

Then, navigate to the second key path, right-click the “NameSpace” key, select “New,” and click “Key.”

Next, enter the key name {f874310e-b6b7-47dc-bc84-b9e6b38f5903} and press Enter.

Finally, right-click the “Default” string inside the {f874310e-b6b7-47dc-bc84-b9e6b38f5903} key and change the value to CLSID_MSGraphHomeFolder and click OK.

That should do it!


In summary, hiding or restoring the Home folder in Windows 11’s File Explorer is straightforward. Users can customize their navigation pane according to their preferences by following the steps outlined. Here are the key points to remember:

  • Hiding the Home Folder: Modify the registry to hide the Home folder, ensuring a cleaner navigation experience.
  • Restoring the Home Folder: Simply delete the registry entries or create a new key to return the Home folder.
  • Reboot Required: A system reboot may be necessary to apply any changes made in the registry.
  • Customization: Tailor your File Explorer to suit your needs, whether decluttering or restoring familiar functionalities.
  • Caution with Registry: Always exercise caution while editing the Windows Registry, as incorrect changes can lead to system issues.

Following these guidelines will help you efficiently manage your File Explorer’s interface.


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