How to install HP Printer Drivers on Ubuntu Linux

The post outlines the procedure for installing additional HP printer drivers on Ubuntu Linux using the HP Linux Imaging and Printing (HPLIP) driver package. This open-source package, supported by HP, updates regularly to include drivers for newer HP printers. The post provides a guide for driver installation, including handling potential issues such as unsupported Ubuntu…

This post describes the steps to install additional printer drivers in Ubuntu Linux.

When you want the latest HP printer drivers on Ubuntu, you’ll download and install the latest HP Linux Imaging and Printing (HPLIP) driver package. Updated versions of this package are regularly released with support for the latest HP printers.

HP is a printer manufacturer that produces a Linux driver package, including Ubuntu. The open-source community maintains the driver package but has HP’s full support.

HP Linux printer’s driver package, or HP Linux Imaging and Printing (HPLIP), is updated frequently to support newer printers as they become available. So, if you own a new HP printer today, it will primarily work on the latest version of the Ubuntu desktop.

However, if Ubuntu or the drivers that do not support the printer are not installed, installing HPLIP might make the drivers available.

The current version of the software package is 3.17.11

Install additional HP printer drivers in Ubuntu Linux

As described above, you can install other HP printer drivers by downloading and installing the latest HP Linux Imaging and Printing (HPLIP) driver package.

The current driver package adds support for the following:

  • HP Scanjet Enterprise Flow N9120 fn2 Document Scanner
  • HP Digital Sender Flow 8500 fn2 Document Capture Workstation

The previous package, 3.17.10, added support for tons of new HP printers, including these:

  • HP OfficeJet Pro 7720 Wide Format All-in-One
  • HP DeskJet AMP All-in-One Printer
  • HP OfficeJet 5220 All-in-One Printer
  • HP OfficeJet 5230 All-in-One Printer
  • HP OfficeJet 5232 All-in-One Printer
  • HP ENVY Photo 6220 All-in-One Printer
  • HP ENVY Photo 6232 All-in-One Printer
  • HP ENVY Photo 7120 All-in-One Printer
  • HP ENVY Photo 7134 All-in-One Printer
  • HP ENVY Photo 7820 All-in-One Printer

So, as you can see, many new printers are on the list for which the driver supports. Read the release notes page here for the complete list of supported printers.

To install the drivers on the Ubuntu desktop, run the commands below to get the

cd /tmp && wget

Then, run the commands below to install the driver package.


The installation wizard should start up and help you install the drivers. Type y to begin the installation.

HP Linux Imaging and Printing System (ver. 3.17.11)
HPLIP Installer ver. 5.1

Copyright (c) 2001-15 HP Development Company, LP
This software comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.
This is free software, and you are welcome to distribute it
under certain conditions. See COPYING file for more details.

Installer log saved in: hplip-install_Sun-19-Nov-2017_11:23:08.log

note: Defaults for each question are maked with a '*'. Press  to accept the default.
error: ubuntu-17.10 version is not supported, so all dependencies may not be installed. However trying to install using ubuntu-17.04 version packages.

Press 'y' to continue auto installation. Press 'n' to quit auto installation(y=yes, n=no*): y

Then, choose the automatic installation mode.

Automatic mode will install the full HPLIP solution with the most common options.
Custom mode allows you to choose installation options to fit specific requirements.

Please choose the installation mode (a=automatic*, c=custom, q=quit): y

Continue with installation for the Ubuntu version. After a few minutes, the installation should be complete.

When prompted whether to install missing dependencies, type  y

The installer may prompt you to remove existing HPLIP drivers to install the newer one. Please choose to do that to continue.

After a few minutes, the new drivers should be installed and ready to use.

To install a new printer, follow the steps below:

Ubuntu Linux has a centralized location for the majority of its settings. From system configurations to creating new users and updating, all can be done from the System Settings panel.

Alternatively, click on the System menu at the top-right corner of the top bar on your desktop.

On the System menu, select Settings, as highlighted below.

Click on the Printers tile in the Settings app to open the panel.

On the System -> Printer settings pane, click the Add a Printer button to add printers to Ubuntu Linux.

If your printer were connected to Ubuntu Linux via USB, it would be discovered when the printer scan is initiated.

In the pop-up window, select your new printer and press Add.

That should do it!


  1. pawan kumar verma Avatar
    pawan kumar verma

    how to hp printer driver install ubuntu 16.04

    1. pl help me i have hp scanjet 8270 need to install ubuntu 16.i have no drivers and i don’t know how to install.

  2. Hola, la instalación no comienza, me dice “newline unexpected” ¿qué puedo hacer?

    1. Me parece que la forma de tu archivo esta mal. I.e., es posible que lo haigas descargado en, “DOS Format” y estas trabajando en Unix. Yo lo abreria con Vim y imprimeria, “:set ff=unix”, luego escribiera el archivo y saldria de Vim con, “:wq”. Lla lo tienes en forma de Unix. Pudiera ser qualquier otra forma de corrupción. En ese caso, pon atencion cuando descarges or muevas el archivo.
      Suerte – Art

  3. Troy Wolf Avatar
    Troy Wolf

    As of June 11, 2018, hplip-3.18.6 still does not actually work on Ubuntu 18.04. Your article title includes 18.04, but are you sure you tried installing hplip on 18? It fails when it tries to get several dependency packages that are no longer valid/available in the Ubuntu 18 repositories.

    1. B. Michael Zimmermann Avatar
      B. Michael Zimmermann

      Correct, Troy Wolf, it eve does not work with xenial 16.04.4. Something with libsane-devel and unmet dependencies, as you say. Seems that Ubuntu real “is on the downgoing branch (of a tree)”, as you would proverbially say in German. Looking at distrowatch, seems to be the time to switch to manjaro.

  4. B. Michael Zimmermann Avatar
    B. Michael Zimmermann

    Sorry for the mistakes in English in my last post, did not proofread 🙂

  5. Francoise Labelle Avatar
    Francoise Labelle

    Thank you, it solved my hp problem (hplip 3.18.6 on ubu 18.04).
    You must uninstall hplip (and dependencies?) before.

  6. does not work for me on ubuntu 18.04, fails on many, many dependancies

  7. hp drivers Avatar
    hp drivers

    nice post

  8. Installed HP Deskjet 1020 with Linux mint 18.3 Cinnamon with success. Takes a lot of time to eliminate old HP-lip and search dependencies.


  9. Hi I had an error installing under XUbuntu 18.04 using the gui interface. Try using the interactive interface, selected during install, worked for me.

  10. Jack Denial Avatar
    Jack Denial

    This article is good. I have also an HP printer and I am facing issues can anyone tell me how can clear up HP LJ4100 error from Hp printer. And also printer going for walks too slow give some higher answer!!!

  11. I had some trouble printing to an old (c.2003) HP LaserJet 1010 from Lubuntu 16.04.5 LTS running on a Dell Inspiron 15. HPLIP 3.18.12 finds the printer and installs it but when printing only blank pages come out.
    Please see my solution here using CUPS, not HPLIP:

    1. Thank you so much . God bless you

  12. thanks for the tutorial, I could not install it properly
    hplip to control the ink level of my printer
    but thanks to you I have achieved it, thanks …

  13. cibergalo Avatar

    It’s fine, very good. The must, the better is download in Sourceforge, downloading not error. Gracias. Thanks

  14. Quickbooks Errorcode List Avatar
    Quickbooks Errorcode List

    You can try to fix the quickbook error code 6030 using these simple steps.

    Begin your PC and sign on as an overseer.

    2) Click the Start catch at that point select All Programs, Accessories, System Tools, and after that click System Restore.

    3) In the new window, select “Reestablish my PC to a prior time” alternative and afterward click Next.

    4) Select the latest framework reestablish point from the “On this rundown, click a reestablish point” rundown, and afterward click Next.

    5) Click Next on the affirmation window.

    6) Restarts the PC when the reclamation is done.

  15. ANUPAM MITRA Avatar

    I had some trouble to install HP Laserjet P1007 in Ubuntu 16.04. I followed many suggestions but of no avail. Ultimately, I followed your tutorial but HP plugin installation failed. I sent you an email for further help. However, lastly it is understood that mere restarting the Desktop won’t give the ultimate result, at least in my case. Restarting the Printer is also necessary. When I restart the Printer, I achieved it. Thanks a lot. Don’t give any cognizance to my email.

  16. I have hp deskjet 2510 AIO printer. My OS is ubuntu 20.04. I downloaded hplip from sourceforge and tried installing it but it showing some error while installing. What shall I so ?

  17. Thank you so much, it worked perfectly!

  18. Thank you so very much. Ubuntu 18.04 lts w/ Hp 6300 Ai0 at least for the scan portion. Plan on using separate Hp laser prntr,

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