Tag: Magento

Magento is an open-source e-commerce platform written in PHP.

  • How to install Magento with Nginx on Ubuntu 24.04

    How to install Magento with Nginx on Ubuntu 24.04

    This article provides a detailed guide on installing Magento with Nginx support on Ubuntu 24.04, emphasizing the steps and benefits. It covers Nginx and MariaDB installation, PHP setup, downloading Magento files, creating a Magento database, installation process, server configuration, and Let’s Encrypt SSL/TLS setup. Additionally, it concludes with a brief summary and an invitation for…

  • How to install Magento with Apache on Ubuntu 24.04

    How to install Magento with Apache on Ubuntu 24.04

    This article explains how to install Magento eCommerce software with Apache on Ubuntu 24.04. Installing Magento with Apache on Ubuntu enables the creation of a secure and high-performance e-commerce website. The process involves installing Apache, MariaDB, PHP, creating a Magento database, downloading Magento files, and configuring Apache and Let’s Encrypt SSL/TLS for security.

  • How to Install Magento 2 with WSL on Windows 11

    How to Install Magento 2 with WSL on Windows 11

    This tutorial explains how to install the Magento eCommerce platform on Windows 11 using the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL). It entails setting up a GNU/Linux environment without needing a virtual machine or dual-boot. The process involves installing and activating WSL, installing specific Linux distro, setting up Nginx HTTP Server and MariaDB Database Server, configuring…

  • How to Setup Magento with Nginx and Cloudflare on Ubuntu Linux

    How to Setup Magento with Nginx and Cloudflare on Ubuntu Linux

    The text provides a detailed guide on how to set up the Magento 2 eCommerce platform on an Ubuntu 16.04 | 18.04 server, configure it with Nginx and PHP 7.2-FPM, and enhance it with Cloudflare CDN and SSL. It also demonstrates how to secure the Magento database with MariaDB, fetch the latest Magento release from…

  • How to Install Magento with Apache and Cloudflare on Ubuntu Linux

    How to Install Magento with Apache and Cloudflare on Ubuntu Linux

    The post provides a step-by-step guide on how to set up Magento 2 on Ubuntu with additional features from Cloudflare. Magento 2 is an open-source eCommerce platform that can be enhanced with Cloudflare’s CDN, SSL, and protection services. The process involves basic steps such as creating a Cloudflare account, setting up your domain, and choosing…