A guide to Installing Microsoft Teams on Ubuntu Linux



The post illustrates how to install Microsoft Teams on Ubuntu Linux. The official Teams app is available to Linux users, marking the introduction of the first Microsoft 365 app on Linux. Users’ can either download Teams’.DEB installer files for Debian and Ubuntu-based distributions, or install Teams quickly via the command terminal console.

This brief tutorial shows students and new users how to install Microsoft Teams on Ubuntu 20.04 | 18.04.

The official Microsoft Teams app is now available for Linux systems, including Ubuntu. This brief tutorial shows students and new users how to download and install it.

Installing Microsoft Teams on Ubuntu Linux allows users to access Teams’ communication and collaboration features on their Linux desktops. Team is a popular platform for businesses and organizations to communicate with their teams, hold video meetings, share files, and more.

With the availability of Teams on Linux, Ubuntu users can now easily join in on these collaborative efforts.

Additionally, it provides a seamless workflow between Windows and Linux systems, making it easier for teams to work together across different operating systems.

For more about Teams, visit its homepage.

When you’re ready to install Teams for Linux, follow the steps below

How to download and install Microsoft Teams on Ubuntu Linux

Microsoft provides Teams’.DEB installer files for Debian and Ubuntu-based distributions and.RPM for Red Hat and other Red Hat-related based platforms.

You can download these files and install Microsoft Teams by running the files for your operating system.

It should be easy on Ubuntu and others since installing Linux applications is intuitive.

To install, go to Teams’ download site below using your favorite web browser in Ubuntu:


Then, select Linux DEB 64-bit for Ubuntu systems.

Teams Linux Install

When prompted, choose Save the file.

After downloading the installer, go to your Downloads folder in your home directory and right-click the downloaded file.

Then select Open With Software Install.

That will open the Ubuntu Software Center. From there, click Install to begin the installation.

You will be prompted for your password to complete the installation. When you’re done, Teams should be installed and ready to use…

To launch it, go to the Activities Overview and search Teams and launch it.

When it opens, type in your Team’s email address and password to log on.

How to install Microsoft Teams via the command terminal console

Instead of downloading and installing the Teams file as described above, you can use the command terminal console to install Teams quickly.

The command console is typically for advanced users and involves running commands. If you are a user starting with Linux, the above steps should work great.

If you feel the command line is easy, run the commands below to add Teams’ repository GPG key.

curl https://packages.microsoft.com/keys/microsoft.asc | sudo apt-key add -

Next, run the commands below to create the Teams repository file.

sudo sh -c 'echo "deb [arch=amd64] https://packages.microsoft.com/repos/ms-teams stable main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/teams.list'

Finally, update Ubuntu package indexes and install Microsoft Teams.

sudo apt update
sudo apt install teams

That’s it!


This post showed you how to install Microsoft Teams on Ubuntu Linux. If you find any error above or have something to add, please use the comment form below.

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13 responses to “A guide to Installing Microsoft Teams on Ubuntu Linux”

  1. shilpa sunil Avatar
    shilpa sunil

    Website like this is very much helpful for students like me.
    Thank you for your help.

  2. gems Avatar

    Downloaded in my linux but Error in logging in. It always says “We couldn’t sign you in. Please try again.” How to solve this issue. Many thanks.

  3. josh Avatar

    This looks nice, THX. I did try it too because somebody wanted this and couldn’t use Zoom. The .deb does download and install, but slows my i9 down to boot times 5 times longer than usual. And if you then want to register, it turns out they want everything up to the name of your nan, and conclude that you have to buy a license (so far for that part of free) or better use skype. In the end we used the phone. Landline. That worked within seconds. After deinstall my i9 returned to its former speed BTW. So no thanks. Never again.

  4. Raghuveer Avatar

    How can i uninstall it ?

    1. dnsjdns Avatar

      double click the deb file then click remove

  5. Peter Avatar

    where is the command line instruction for linux ?
    Linux users are not like windoze users, they tend to have some brain.

    1. Bhavya Sura Avatar
      Bhavya Sura

      Sudo apt-get

    2. sussy baka Avatar
      sussy baka

      apt search microsoft teams its not that hard all you have to do then is dpkg -i microsoft.deb and your good to go

  6. Robin Mulkers Avatar
    Robin Mulkers

    On Ubuntu, you can now just use snap:
    …$ snap install teams

  7. jhansi Avatar

    i face this problem while login to teams
    we couldnt connect to internet.try checking your connections.

  8. Akos Avatar

    You should know that it is only for organizational and school account before you download it!
    Uninstall: “sudo dpkg –purge teams”

  9. Richard Auer Avatar
    Richard Auer

    For some reason I don’t have the option “Join or create a team”. I only have the option to organize the teams to which I have been invited. How can I change that in Ubuntu? The Microsoft pages only say, that one has to do that in Microsoft 365 but I can’t believe that since that doesn’t exist for Ubuntu and the pictures in the article above imply that it is very well possible to have the option “join or create a team” with Ubuntu.

  10. Keith Avatar

    Unfortunately this only works if you have a Work/School Teams account. Logging in with a personal account, you will receive a notification for the same.

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