How to Back up Ubuntu Linux with Duplicati



Duplicati is a free, open-source software that enables storing encrypted backups online or on local disk drives. It supports a wide range of platforms and protocols, making it a flexible solution for Ubuntu users looking for a reliable backup software. The program also features a web-based user interface for convenient management and offers a tutorial…

This article explains using Duplicati to back up Ubuntu Linux.

Duplicati is a free, open-source backup software that provides a simple-to-use backup solution for Ubuntu Linux. It supports more services than the default Ubuntu backup software, Deja Dup.

Duplicati uses a standard protocol like FTP, SSH, and WebDAV and popular online storage solutions like Microsoft OneDrive, Amazon Cloud Drive, Google Drive, and many others. It also has a web-based user interface for easy management.

With Duplicati, you can create encrypted backups of your important files and documents and store them online or on local disk drives. Setting up a backup plan with Duplicati is easy and ensures you never miss your important documents again.

Ubuntu comes with its backup software called Deja Dup. However, Duplicati supports more services than the default Ubuntu backup software. So, if you’re looking for a simple-to-use backup solution for your Ubuntu desktop or server, you may find Duplicati helpful.

For more about Duplicati, go to this page

Install Duplicati

Visit the Duplicati download page and get the latest version for your platform, or use the commands below to download via the terminal.

cd /tmp && wget

After downloading, continue below to install

Install Duplicati

After downloading the software package, run the commands below to install it.

sudo dpkg -i duplicati_2.0.2.1-1_all.deb
sudo apt-get --fix-broken install

That should forcibly install all missing required packages for Duplicati

After installing Duplicati, the commands below can be used to stop, start, and enable the service to automatically startup when the system boots.

sudo systemctl stop duplicati.service
sudo systemctl start duplicati.service
sudo systemctl enable duplicati.service

Accessing Duplicati

Now that the package is installed open your browser and browse to the system hostname or IP address followed by 8200

Ex. http://localhost:8200

This should bring up the Duplicati web page portal. You can back up your important files and documents from here automatically.

To begin backing up, click Add a backup link on the left menu

Then, choose the encryption and the storage type and continue

Setup the schedule and continue

Follow the onscreen setup until you’ve successfully set up your backup plan. After that, you should not worry about missing your important documents again.


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