How to Take Screenshots on Ubuntu Linux



This tutorial guides students and new Ubuntu 20.04 | 18.04 users on capturing screenshots and screencasts. The Gnome Screenshot tool enables capturing of the full or partial screen, with a delay feature. The resulting media files are stored in the home directory’s Pictures and Videos folders. The post also explains how to initiate screen recording…

This brief tutorial shows students and new users how to take screenshots with Ubuntu 20.04 | 18.04.

Gnome Screenshot is a powerful tool that is used for screen capturing. It also has a feature that provides delayed screen capture at a specific time.

There are a variety of reasons why you might want to learn how to take screenshots on Ubuntu Linux. For example, you may want to capture an error message or problem you’re experiencing to share it with someone who can help you troubleshoot.

You may also want to take a screenshot of something cool or interesting you found online that you want to share with friends or family. Additionally, if you’re a developer or a writer, you may need to take screenshots of your work to include in documentation or presentations.

Whatever your reason may be, taking screenshots on Ubuntu Linux is a useful skill to have and can be easily done with the Gnome Screenshot tool.

Gnome Screenshot

Log on to your Ubuntu desktop and select Activities from the top left corner of your screen.

Then, on the Activities overview, search for Screenshot. This should show the Screenshot program you can use to capture your screen.

Next, open the Screenshot from the Activities overview. In the Screenshot window, select whether to:

  • Grab the whole screen
  • Grab the current window
  • Select the area of the screen to grab

Set a delay if you need to select a window or set up your desktop for the Screenshot. Then, choose any effects you want.


If you select Select area to grab, the pointer changes into a cross-hair. Click and drag the area you want for the Screenshot.

In the Save Screenshot window, enter a file name, choose a folder, then click Save.


You can make a video recording of what is happening on your screen: Press Ctrl + Alt + Shift + R to start recording what is on your screen.

An orange circle is displayed in the top right corner of the screen when the recording is in progress.

Once you have finished, press Ctrl + Alt + Shift + R again to stop the recording.
The video is automatically saved in your Videos folder in your home folder, with a file name that starts with Screencast and includes the date and time it was taken.

This is how to capture your screen in Ubuntu 20.04 | 18.04 LTS.


This post showed you how to take screenshots and video captures on Ubuntu 20.04 | 18.04. If you find any error above, please use the comment form below to report.

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